Bloodmoon Countdown

14 Mar 2025, 03:57:28 UTC

The March 2025 Bloodmoon is the next lunar eclipse to occur. For 66 minutes, the moon will turn red, due to the Earth blocking our natural satellite's access to sunlight.

Visible in: Canada, Contiguous United States, East Alaska, Mexico, The Carribian, Central America, Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Western Suriname, Ecuador, North Western Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru, Western Falkland Islands, Paraguay, and North Western Greenland.

Partially Visible in: Western Alaska, French Guiana, Eastern Falkland Islands, New Zealand, Greenland, East Brazil, Uruguay, Western Pacific Islands, Iceland, and North Eastern Russia.

Barely Visible in: West Africa, United Kingdom, Ireland, Western Europe, Northern Japan, Eastern Australia, and Eastern Pacific Islands.

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Bloodmoon Gallery